Call For Papers

Prospective authors are invited to submit the original, high-quality paper(s) whis is original and has not been submitted and published elsewhere.  All papers submitted will be processed through blind peer review in order to obtain a high-quality paper. After the selection process has finished, the papers accepted by the committee will be given a chance to be presented at the 6th ICE-ELINVO 2023. The selected papers will be submitted to International Publisher (AIP) or local publisher for publication. 

In the first stage, all submitted papers must follow this guidance: Author Guidelines.


"Digital Solutions for Sustainable and Green Development"




  1. Renewable Energy
  2. Energy Conservation
  3. Smart Grid and Green Electricity
  4. Distributed Power Generation
  5. Electric Power Optimization
  6. Power System and Its Automation
  7. Power System Reliability and Security
  8. Electrical Machine
  9. Power Quality
  10. Power Electronics and Drive



  1. Analogue and Digital Signal Processing
  2. Audio Video Systems
  3. Biomed. Engineering
  4. Circuits and Systems
  5. Industrial Electronic and Robotic
  6. Intelligent Control Systems
  7. Materials for Electrotechnics
  8. Measuring Technology and Instruments
  9. Signal Processing
  10. Telecomunication and Mobiles



  1. Digital Networking and Multimedia
  2. Information System
  3. IT Aceptence and Continuence
  4. Mobile Apps and IoT
  5. Wireless and Sensor Devices
  6. Virtual Reality and Visualization
  7. Parallel and Distributing Computing
  8. Image Processing
  9. Network Security and Cryptography
  10. e/mCommerce and Mobile Social Media
  11. Computer and Web Programming
  12. Management Information System



  1. Control Optimization
  2. Process Optimization
  3. Autotronics and Hybrid System
  4. Intelligent Robotics
  5. Manufacturing Optimization



  1. Application of Technology in the Field of Vocation
  2. Technological Innovation in Vocation
  3. Miscellaneous Related Topics.

The paper should be written in as a ICE-ELINVO Template